Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Performance Poetry Assignment

Watch the videos below; they're all only a few minutes long.

Choose ONE video which speaks to you and write a personal response (~1 paragraph) in the comments.  (Be sure to include your name so I can give you credit for this assignment.)  Your comment must include:
  1. What you think of the poem, of the poet, of the performance as a whole.
  2. Your thoughts, connections, questions, commentary, reactions.  What you liked and didn't like.  What you noticed, what stood out to you.
  3. What you think is the message of the poem.  What do you think the poet is trying to communicate?
  4. Lastly, take a step back and question it all:  is this poetry?  What makes it a poem?  Think about "doodle" and "babble" and the signs of poetry that we discussed in class.
Please feel free to respond to comments which have been posted before you (whether you agree/disagree, have questions, want to "give props" to someone).

Due Fri Apr 16.

Have fun! :)

1 comment:

  1. -alicia keys-
    I think the message Alicia Keys is saying through this babble poetry is that she(or her character ) is for whatever reason unable to come clean and say what they truely want. They hide behind their ability to speak and use words. They feel ashamed of their true self and hide behind what others want to hear. This is poetry. Its Babble poetry because it is being spoken for us to hear. it flows like a poem, has segmented lined and doesn't quite follow the rules of grammer. It's smooth and has hidden meanings that are all characteristics of a poem.
    Ben Larson
